98% of visitors leave your hotel website without booking. Whereas a visitor assisted by Chat books 6 times more. But where to start ? How to significantly boost your sales with this tool?

A livechat is an essential tool in many sectors espacially in the hospitality industry. This chat window appears when a visitor arrives on your hotel’s website. It allows him to chat directly with a person or a robot, and assists him throughout the booking process. Thanks to this tool, visitors do not search for information, which prevents him from leaving your website without booking if he cannot find the answer. It delivers the right message, at the right time, to the right person.
A livechat can be managed by a robot or a human but according to an Ekonsilio survey, 65% prefer to have an exchange with a human rather than a robot.
Determine your goal
Setting a goal is essential before setting up a livechat. This will allow you to adapt your speech. Concretely, a livechat tool is useful for:
- Inform the traveler, answer his questions
- Convince the customer to book: offer him a service suited to what he is looking for.
- Update hotel information
- Build customer loyalty: improve customer relations by creating proximity and a two-way exchange.
It’s up to you to decide which objective you want to focus on.
Customize your livechat

With a livechat solution, you can welcome your visitors in a personalized way, which will create a stronger bond. This practice is part the conversational marketing. Here, it is the customer who is causing the conversation, unlike traditional marketing where more it is the brand that communicates with the consumer (one-way marketing). We also talk about human-to-human (H2H) marketing.
A fast and efficient talk
Avec un taux d’ouverture et de clic supérieurs à ceux de l’emailing, le livechat séduit par son immédiateté qui permet de répondre rapidement aux besoins des visiteurs. D’après une étude menée par Hubspot, 82% des consommateurs estiment qu’avoir une réponse immédiate à une question posée est très important.
With an opening and click rate higher than those of emailing, the livechat seduces by its immediacy. It allows to respond quickly to visitor’s needs. According to an Hubspot study , 82% of consumers believe that having an immediate answer to a question is very important.
La mise en place d’un livechat permettra au service client de recevoir moins de mails et d’appels téléphoniques, et ils pourront alors gérer plusieurs conversations en même temps.
Setting up a live chat will allow hotel customer service to receive fewer emails and phone calls, so they can handle multiple conversations at the same time.
Optimize customer service
73% of people who have already used a livechat solution are satisfied with the service offered.
Indeed, a livechat is a useful tool to improve your customer relationship through contact with a real person. Unlike a chatbot solution, it will provide quality responses adapted to each of your visitors. It will allow you to target visitor’s request and offer him a customized service. For instance, a solution like Hotel Direct Booster offers you a livechat managed by 24-hour salespeople.
You will also be able to obtain customer data (country, age, etc.) to target travelers and adapt your offer.
Mistakes to avoid
- Toutes les réponses pré-enregistrées : l’intérêt du live chat est d’avoir un contact humain personnalisé.
- An invasive livechat: sending several messages can have the opposite effect to the one expected. Be careful when programming your chats, and favor a single welcome message that will not insist if the visitor is not interested.
- Too long a response time: the purpose of the chat is to have a quick answer (more than an email or a call)
- The display: today, 1 in 2 customers book through their mobile phone. It is important to have a responsive tool adapted to different viewing platforms (computer, phone, tablet, etc.).
- Too many pre-recorded responses: the added value of a livechat is to have a personalized human contact.